This is our list of items for this morning’s montage of snakes:
Kaa, the snake from The Jungle Book, sings a hypnotic tune. The voice is provided by the legendary Sterling Holloway.
Harrison Ford, as Indiana Jones, ponders his next adventure.
Jim Stafford, now of Branson, sings one of his biggest hits, "Spiders and Snakes."
The character Snake, from The Simpsons, watches his car get stolen.
A highlight of Kenny “The Snake” Stabler running for a touchdown for the Oakland Raiders.
A big (talking?) snake gets zapped in the Harry Potter movie Chamber of Secrets.
Electric Light Orchestra performing "Don’t Let Me Down."
The famous Spam skit from Monty Python. (python, get it…)
The only part of *the* quote from the movie Snakes on a Plane we could put on the air.
Duran Duran with the song "Union of the Snake."